Willkommen bei mir!

ich freue mich über euren Besuch in meinem Salon und wünsche euch viel Vergnügen.

Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012


Langsam erholt sich mein Herzblatt - fad ist ihm halt - seine arme Vickie!!! Das ist sicher nicht einfach, jetzt einen Patienten im Haus zu haben - dabei wenn ich unsere Bilder so betrachte - zwischen fad, faul und krank ist ja kaum ein Unterschied...

Couch-Potatoes sind wir beide...

Gute Nacht - Küßchen Eure Charlotte

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Charlotte, I know it is silly of me, but I get a lot of comfort just knowing you are laying on your couch and thinking of me while I lay here thinking of you.

    I will rest easier now......

    Your Bert

  2. You two make quiet the pair. Maybe if it will make Bert feel even better I will go lay on my couch and think of you both.

  3. Dear Charlotte, Me thinks that yous is purrfect for Bert! Thanks for coming and visiting mes and leaving a comment. Me comes and visits yous a couple of times, but has not left a message.
    Me LIKES Allred. Me thinks that there is just too many dogs and he feels scared.

  4. It's me again. I just wanted to prepare you for a picture that is on Goose's Blog. Just remember that YOU are my girl. Annie is just a friend who is living here for a few months.

    You are my True Love.....

    Always yours
