Die Zauberdecke, die mein Verlobter Bert mir geschickt hat - hat meine liebste Freundin Nellie zu mir gebracht:
sie ist extra aus Kanada angereist - und wir haben in aller Ruhe mein Liebesleben besprochen - jaja so eine erfahrene Mieze die kennt sich aus. Ich schlaf einmal über ihre Ratschläge und dann sehen wir weiter...
Küßchen Eure Charlotte
Mogli ergattert das BOS in Riva Del Garda
vor 1 Woche
Hey Nellie visited me too. Don't ya just love her.
My Dear Charlotte, I know you have much on your mind and I am glad you were able to visit with the beloved Nellie. I know her advice to you is full of wisdom as she is very old and wise.....
AntwortenLöschenMy heart is in waiting.
Dearest Charlotte,
AntwortenLöschenIt was so nice of yous to let me drop in unexpectedly. Me really should has called first, but me has discovered in my "old" age that doing the things me wants to do when me wants to do them, more than makes up for wishing me had done something later.
Kisses Dear friend